Гора Небо is most known for being the site where Moses overlooked the Holy Land but did not enter it and where a church and a monastery were built to honor him. The book of Numbers (33:47) mentions that when the children of Israel moved from Almon Diblathaim they camped in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo, and that the children of Reuben rebuilt the city (Numbers 32:38).
Город остался за Моавитянами, согласно Исаии: “Моав будет рыдать над Нево и над Медебой; на всех головах их будет лысина, и всякая борода будет срезана” (Исаия 15:2-3). Пророк Иеремия (48:1) сказал о Небе: “Так говорит Господь Саваоф, Бог Израилев: горе Небу! Ибо он разграблен”.