The King’s Highway in Jordan

Driving King's Highway in Jordan was one of the highlights of visiting the country. In this blog post, we share with you King's Highway itinerary, best things to see and do such as Madaba, Mount Nebo, Mukawir, Umm ar-Rasas or Karak Castle, and we will also give you tips on when is the best time to drive the [...]
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Shobak: the most castle-weary visitor

Perched in a wild, remote landscape, Shobak Castle wins over even the most castle-weary visitor, despite being less complete than its sister fortification at Karak. It's especially imposing when seen from a distance, as it sits on a dramatic hill (formerly called Mons Realis, or the Royal Mountain), imposing its might on the surrounding countryside. Shobak was [...]
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Bethany Beyond The Jordan (Baptism Site)

Home to several biblical cities including Sodom, Gomorrah, and Zoar, the archaeological discoveries between the Jordan River and Tal al-Kharrar have identified this area as Biblical “Bethany Beyond the Jordan.” The area is where John was living when he baptized Jesus. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Baptism Site commission welcomes pilgrims from [...]
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Dana Biosphere Reserve & Feynan


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The Desert Castles of Jordan

Jordan's desert castles, beautiful examples of both early Islamic art and architecture, stand testament to a fascinating era in the country's rich history. Their fine mosaics, frescoes, stone and stucco carvings and illustrations, inspired by the best in Persian and Graeco-Roman traditions, tell countless stories of the life as it was during the 8th century.  [...]
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Umm EL Jimal: home to 2000 years of culture

Rising out of Jordan’s northern basalt plain, beautiful Umm al-Jimal is both a modern town and an ancient archaeological site, home to almost 2000 years of fascinating history and culture - Nabataean, Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, Mamluk, Ottoman and Modern. It was a thriving agricultural center and a stop on the Hijaz to Damascus caravan route. One can [...]
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The Cave of the Seven Sleepers

The legend of the ‘seven sleepers’ involves seven Christian boys who were persecuted by the Roman Emperor Trajan, then escaped to a cave and slept there for 309 years. This is one of several locations that claim to be that cave. Inside the main cave – also known as Ahl Al Kahf (Cave of the People) – [...]
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Mukawir: hilltop stronghold of Herod the Great

The 1st century AD Roman-Jewish historian Josephus identified the awe-inspiring site of Machaerus (modern-day Mukawir) as the palace-fortress of Herod Antipas, the Roman-appointed regional ruler during the life of Jesus Christ. It was here, at this hilltop fortified palace overlooking the Dead Sea region and the distant hills of Palestine and Israel that Herod imprisoned and beheaded [...]
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Mount Nebo: Prophet Moses Mountain

Mount Nebo is most known for being the site where Moses overlooked the Holy Land but did not enter it and where a church and a monastery were built to honor him. The book of Numbers (33:47) mentions that when the children of Israel moved from Almon Diblathaim they camped in the mountains of Abarim, before [...]
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As-Salt (UNESCO World Heritage Site)


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