Yolo Jordan

YOLO Islamic

surely Jordan has been blessed with a rich religious history.

Especially, Located between Mecca al-Mukarrama, the holiest place on earth for Muslims, and Jerusalem, which is sacred to each of the three great monotheistic religions,

Jordanien beherbergt die Gräber vieler Gefährten des Propheten Muhammad, die dort als Märtyrer bestattet wurden. Tatsächlich hat Jordanien einen besonderen Platz in der Geschichte des Islam, da es das erste Gebiet war, in das der Islam außerhalb der arabischen Halbinsel gelangte. Es war auch der Ort des ersten Kontakts zwischen dem Islam und der nicht-arabischen Welt.                     

The most important companions of the Prophet (PBUH) buried in Jordan include: Zeid ibn al-Haritha (the Prophet’s adopted son and the only companion mentioned by name in the Qur’an); Ja’far bin Abi Talib (cousin of the Prophet and elder brother of Ali, who was the husband of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima and the father of al-Hassan and al-Hussein); Abu ‘Ubaydah ‘Amer Ibn al-Jarrah (one of the “Blessed Ten” companions promised Paradise); Mu’ath bin Jabal (the Prophet’s governor in Yemen); Shurhabil bin Husna (the Scribe of the Qur’anic Revelation), and Dirar bin al-Azwar (a great general). In fact, many more companions of the Prophet are buried in Jordan.

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King Abdullah I Mosque