What is the first thing that strikes your mind when you hear the word “Jordan”? Probably, its splendid ancient architecture, magnificent holy sites and local cuisines.

Discover Jordan in brief 

Située au cœur du Moyen-Orient, la Jordanie est l'une des destinations préférées des visiteurs du monde entier. Ce pays étonnant abrite divers sites archéologiques, des merveilles anciennes et des paysages à couper le souffle. De la capitale historique d'Amman au site enchanteur de Petra, du mont Nebo et de la mer Morte, en liaison avec le best travel agency in Jordan vous permettra de vivre un voyage inoubliable et de plonger dans la culture immersive de ce pays.

Dans ce blog, préparez-vous à vous lancer Jordan tours and travel plans, ainsi que des aventures extraordinaires alors que nous débloquons les trésors cachés de cette destination remarquable.

Tours in Jordan

Découvrez le dynamisme de la ville

You can begin your journey by visiting Amman, the historical capital city of Jordan that boasts ancient culture. Here, you can consider indulging in various fun activities like exploring the famous Amman Citadel which is located at the highest hill in the city. Then you can explore the ancient architecture of the Roman Theatre, which is still beautifully preserved for various stage performances and cultural shows. Immerse yourself in the magnificent pillars of Umayyad Palace and the Temple of Hercules. Also, you can have free time to walk through the local streets and traditional shops, known as souks and relish the local cuisines of the city.

Découvrez la retraite spirituelle

Start your next destination by visiting Mount Nebo  with our professional guides in Yolo Jordan situated over 2000 feet high and considered one of the holiest places in Jordan. You can discover the breathtaking landscapes that are said to have been gazed at by Moses before his death. As you reach the summit, fall in love with the panoramic views of the Dead Sea, Jordan Valley and the distant hills of Jerusalem. Also, you can have a serene retreat while watching the ancient church adorned with stunning mosaics that date back to the 6th century.

Une journée complète à explorer le site du patrimoine mondial

No trip to Jordan is complete without visiting the breathtaking UNESCO World Heritage Site of Petra.  A reputed Jordan travel agency will take you on a walk through the narrow Siq Gorge which is 1km long, and flanked by ancient rock walls. From here, you can visit the iconic Treasury, one of the finest temples that depict the culture of the Nabataea Kingdom. As you wander through Red Rose City, you can explore the local dwellings, ancient tombs, stunning rock formations and much more.

Libérez les traditions bédouines

After exploring Petra with Yolo, get ready to be transported to the surreal landscape of wadi Rum. The place is often referred to as the Valley of the Moon because of the amazing shades of rocky mountains, towing sandstone cliffs and massive /*/stretches of golden sand dunes. As you walk more, immerse yourself in the rich culture of Bedouin tradition and spend the night camping in the charming atmosphere.

Rajeunir dans l'eau de guérison

At last, you can end your trip by visiting the lowest point on the earth, the incredible Mer morte! The Dead Sea is famous for its high salt concentration and therapeutic properties, which allows you to float effortlessly on the surface of the sea. So, you can think of indulging in a fun-filled mud bath and rejuvenating yourself in this mineral-rich water. Also, you can get immersed in the surrounding silence and tranquility of nature, while gazing at the beautiful desert landscapes. 

Vous planifiez le voyage?

Voulez-vous faire l'expérience de circuits de luxe en Jordanie comme jamais auparavant? Alors ne cherchez pas plus loin que YOLO Jordan Tours and Travel. Nous offrons le best Jordan travel packages qui vous permettront de découvrir les joyaux cachés enchanteurs de cet incroyable pays. Des sites historiques d'Amman au paysage désertique à couper le souffle du Wadi Rum, nos guides experts vous proposeront une planification de voyage personnalisée pour vous permettre de vivre une aventure que vous n'oublierez jamais !

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